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Friday, April 2, 2010


A child came to the Prophet, weeping. The event was very moving Prophet who was sitting together with friends another. "Why do you weep, O my son?" asked the Prophet. "My father has died but no one came to visit. I do not have a shroud, who is going to bury my father and who will be bathing him?" Asked the boy. Immediately the Prophet ordered Abu Bakr and Umar to see the body. How terperanjatnya Abu Bakr and Umar, the body was turned into a wild boar. The two friends then return immediately report to the Prophet SAW Then the Prophet came to the house of his own child. Prayed to God so that the boar was again turned into a human body. Then the Prophet menyembahyangkannya and asked friends to bury him. What a surprise the friends, when the bodies would be buried to change back to wild boar. Seeing the incident, the Prophet asked him what was done by his father during his lifetime. "My father never worked in prayer during his life," replied the boy. Then the Prophet said to his companions, "The Companions, see for yourself. That's the result when people leave the prayer during his lifetime. He will be a wild boar on the Day of Resurrection."