From the Prophet SAW, "At night I diisrakkan up to the sky, Allah has given five will, among others: · Do not hang your heart to the world kerana real world I'm not making this for you. · Make love to me because the place where your return is Me. · Mean surely you seek heaven. · Decide kerana expectations of creatures they really were not in the least power in their hands. · Rajinlah do pray Tahajjud kerana qiamullail actually help it along. Ibrahim ibn Adham said: "It has come to me some of the guests, and I know they are the representatives of teachers tariqat. I said to them, give useful advice to me, that would make me fear Allah SWT Then they said, "We wasiatkan to you 7 cases, namely: · People who do not expect a lot of talking with very kesedaran heart. · People who eat a lot do not expect very words taking advantage of it. · Man who many people do not associate with expect very sweetness of worship. · People who love the world do not expect very Khusnul khatimahnya. · stupid people do not expect her very will to live. · People who choose to consort with those who do wrong do not expect very straightness of his religion. · People seeking human keredhaan do not expect God is going keredhaan thereof. "