Where sin, an intoxicating drink, commit adultery or murder. That's the conundrum at the core sermon Ustman Khalifah bin Affan ra as narrated by Az-Zuhriy, in a sermon Ustman it reminds people to be careful to drink The wine or arak. For an intoxicating drinks as a base of indecency and source of all sin. Once there lived a religious expert who was always diligent worship to the mosque, further sermon Ustman Caliph. Soleh One day a man who was acquainted with a beautiful woman. Kerana already fallen heart, the man according to the course when given the choice between the three requests, about disobedience. The wine to drink first, second and third fornicate kill the baby. Sin think drinking wine is smaller than the other two options put forward women's idol, the man Soleh The wine was then choose to drink. But what happens, with a heady wine that even he violated two other crimes. Drunk and forget ourselves, the man menzinai prostitutes and kill the baby at her side. "The wine Kerana avoid that, kerana drinks as the culprit of all evil and sinful act. Remember, faith can not be united with the wine in humans. One of them should come out. The person who is drunk mouth will remove the words kufr, and if become customary until the end of the verse, he will be eternally in hell. "