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Friday, April 2, 2010


In a hadith tells, in ancient days there was a man wukuf at Arafat. He stopped in the vast field. At that time people were doing cult pilgrim. Wukuf at Arafat is the most important pillars of hajj. Even wukuf at Arafat's actually called a pilgrim who was berwukuf kerana if a place in the country is considered hadj Arafat has been perfect even if the others did not get done. Word of the Messenger of Allah said: · "Alhajju Arafat '(Pilgrims at Arafat's wukuf) Evidently the man had yet to identify Islam with more depth. Still in terms of 'converts'. While he was there, he has taken seven grains of stone and said to the stone: · "O rocks, watch you that I swear that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the man of God." After she said that she fell asleep in there. She placed seventh-seven stone under his head. Soon he had a dream as if it had come doomsday. In the dream he had checked jyga all the sins and reward by God. When you're done checking it turns out he has to go into hell. So he went to hell and instead of entering one of the doors. Suddenly a small stone dikumpulnya instantly had come close to the gates of Hell. But apparently they can not afford. Angel of doom have been there. All the angels were refused entry into the gates of Hell. But could see. Then he went to another door. The angels are still trying to put them in hell but not triumphant rock kerana followed wherever she went. Finally drop the seven gates of Hell go. The angels who act would hurt the people who go to hell tried very hard to reject him in hell but not prosper. Arriving at the royal seven gates of Hell, hell is not no rock kerana mahu accept that followed. Seventh-seven stone as if to fortify him than to enter hell. Then he ascended the Throne in the seventh heaven. That's where God says that meant: · "O my servant, I have seen stones which you collect in the waste Arafat. I will not waste your right. How am I going to waste your privilege and I have witnessed the sound of 'creed' that thou pronounce it. Now go thou in heaven. " Just as good as he approached the door of heaven was, suddenly rose heaven door wide open. Apparently the key to heaven is a creed sentences spoken first.