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Friday, April 2, 2010

Faced with crossing SIX PEOPLE

Abu Bakr r.a. said, "Verily, the devil was standing in front of you, to your right spirit, lust in your left, next to the world behind you and all members of your body around your body. While God above you. While the accursed devil take you to leave the religion, the soul take you to the direction of sinners, lust lust take you to meet, the world took you so choose it from the afterlife and limb menagajakmu committing a sin. And the Lord take you into heaven and receive forgiveness of Him, as His Word is meant, ".... And God invites to heaven and to His forgiveness. .. "Who the devil's invitation to meet, then the lost religion of itself. Sesiapa which satisfy the soul's invitation, then the value of lost him his life. Sesiapa an invitation to meet desires, then he lost sense of himself. Who would meet the solicitation of the world, then disappeared from her afterlife . And who fulfill the invitation of his body, then the lost heaven from him. And who is to meet the call of Allah SWT, then she lost all the crimes and he memperolehi all goodness. " Satan is the enemy of man, while man is the target of the devil. By then, humans must sentiasa berwaspada because the devil sentiasa look right on target.