One day Prophet spoke with a man from the village. SAW He relates that the inhabitants of heaven there was a man asking God to grow crops, then God has asked him not God give all the things he needs? He was admitted, but she likes to grow crops. Then he sowed the seed grain. Tanamn direct it to grow. All are the same. After that he was harvested. The results can be as high as mountains. God said to him, "O son of Adam, he does not satiate your stomach." "By Allah, this man is a man of Quraysh or the Ansar because they were from the peasantry. We are not from among farmers", said the Bedouin. Prophet laughed at these words that Bedouin people.
One day Prophet spoke with a man from the village. SAW He relates that the inhabitants of heaven there was a man asking God to grow crops, then God has asked him not God give all the things he needs?
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Friday, April 2, 2010
STORY OF A SIGN Kristian glorifies ISLAMIC BLESSING Ashura '
Once Upon A Time in the city mentioned that there are an array of rich Qadi. One day by chance the day of Ashura 'came a poor man begging alms. Said the poor man said, "O lord Qadi, is that I'm a poor man who has a family burden. For the sake of honor and glory of this day, I ask for help than the master, then I give alms to the degree necessary in the form of ten pieces of bread, five pieces of meat and money are two dirhams. " Qadi said, "Come after zohor time!" After prayers zohor poor man came in order to fulfill its promise. Unfortunately the rich Qadi had not kept his word and told the poor to come again after Asar prayers. If he comes after the time appointed for the second time it was the Qadi not give anything. So Famous poor from the house of the Qadi with great disappointment. At the time of the poor road searching, he crossed in front of a Christian sitting in front of his house. Kristian told that the poor people asking for alms, "Sir, for the sake of glory and greatness of this day I give alms to give up my family." The Kristian asked, "What day today?" "Today is the day of Ashura," says the poor, as he explained the virtues and the stories of the day of Ashura '. Kristian Apparently people were very interested to hear the story of the beggar alms, and his heart is pleased to give alms. Kristian said he, "Tell me what hajatmu me!" Said the beggar alms, "I need ten pieces of bread, five dull meat and onions only two dirhams." He immediately gave the beggar asked for alms all purposes. The charity also requesting back with joy to her family. The Stingy Qadi who have dreamed in his sleep. "Lift your head!" said the voice in his dream. Just as good as he raised his head, suddenly in front of his eyes tersergam two beautiful buildings. A miraculous building of brick and a gold plated again done than Yaqut glittering sparkling color. He asked, "O Lord, for whom this is a very beautiful building?" Reply sounded, "All these buildings are for you suppose you Oahu meet the intent of the beggar's alms. Now that the building was owned by a Christian." If Qadi woke from his sleep, he went to Kristian intended in his dream. Qadi asked the Kristian, "Charity can not determine what you made last night so you can reward two very beautiful building?" Kristian person that was told about the charity has done that he has been charitable to the poor who need it on the day of Ashura 'it. Qadi said, "Sell it to me with the price of charity one hundred thousand dirhams." Kristian said, "Know, O Qadi, good deeds actually received by God can not be traded even with the price of earth and seismically." Qadi said, "Why are you so stingy, while you are not a Muslim?" When Kristian was also a sign that throw up his cross and said a two-sentence confession of faith and recognize the truth of the religion brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW
ROOMS-ROOMS in heaven
Prophet once said that in heaven it terbahagi in the rooms. The walls were decorated with glass insert in it which is exciting. Inside there is also the view which never seen in the world and there is one entertainment that never felt people in the world. "For whom the rooms, O Prophet?" asked the companions. "To people who say and embellish greeting, to which they give to needing to eat, and for those who used fasting and prayer in the night when the man asleep in a dream." "Anyone who meets and greets his friend, so he means to have graced greeting. Those who give food to the experts and their families until the affluent, with such means to include people who are accustomed always fast. They are prayer Isha 'and Fajr in berjemaah, with such means to include people in prayer at night when people were sleeping soundly. " Once the Prophet explains his saying to his friend.
Room In Heaven
Wisdom of dedication to the SECOND IBUBAPA
In addition to a prophet, Solomon a.s. also a famous king. Under the authority of God he managed to beat Queen of Queen of Sheba with his evil spirit jinn. He was known as a man can dialogue with those animals. Narrated, Prophet Sulayman was wandering between heaven and earth to arrive at a tempestuous ocean. To prevent the waves, he ordered enough wind to be calm, and also the ocean was calm. Then Solomon ordered the Jinn Ifrit's dive into the ocean to the bottom. There IN jin Ifrit see a dome of white jewel without a hole, the dome was lifted onto the ocean floor and pointed to the Prophet Solomon. Seeing the dome without a hole full of gems from the ocean floor that Prophet Sulayman be too surprised, "Dome of this whatsoever?" fikirnya. By asking the help of Allah, Prophet Solomon opened the lid of the dome. How shocked she was when she saw a young man living in it. "Sipakah art thou? Group jinn or a human?" Solomon asked in amazement. "I'm a human being", he replied slowly. "How can you memperolehi karomah this kind?" Solomon asked again. Then the young man tells her history until then memperolehi karomah of God may live in the dome and at the bottom of the ocean. Told, her mother was old and helpless so that he who bolster and carry him where he went nevertheless. The boy was always dutiful to their parents, and his mother always prayed for his son. One of her prayers, her mother was always praying for her son be given sustenance and a sense of complacency. Hopefully his son placed in a place not on earth nor in heaven. "After my mother died I went around on the beach. On the way I look at a diamond is made of. I went over and opened the door of the dome so I went into it." Said the young man to the Prophet Solomon. Solomon recognized may run between the earth and the sky became amazed by the youth. "How can you live in the dome at the bottom of the ocean?" Solomon asked, wanting to know more. "Inside the dome itself, I do not know where is located. In heaven or in the air, but God still gave sustenance to me when I lived in the dome." "How did God feed you?" "If I feel hungry, God created the trees inside the dome, and the fruit that I eat. If I feel thirsty then water came out very clean, whiter than milk and sweeter than honey." "How do you know the difference of night and day?" Prophet Sulayman asked who was more surprised. "When has the appearance of dawn, then it becomes a white dome, from there I knew that the day was lunch. When the sun will be darkened dome and I know it was night." He said. Finished telling her story, the young man prayed to God, the vault door was shut again, and the young man stayed inside. That keromah for a young man devoted to his parents.
VOICES OF FAITH devil that tempted persistence
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani is a Sufi scholars and experts who recognized the primacy and glory of adequate knowledge among the Muslim umar. Kerana warak his or closer to God, many followers who exaggerated honor. It is told that one day Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani walking wander alone. In mengharungi sweltering desert that he felt thirsty. Suddenly he saw a vessel of silver suspended in the air then slowly down to her enveloped in a cloud on it. When the telling of the unseen voice in the sky: "O Abdul Qadir, drink the contents of this vessel. Today we have been justified as you eat and drink everything that I've been annihilated. And has kugugurka all kewajipan for you." The unseen voice of it. As a wise man, Abdul Qadir enough to know that the voice of the unseen, which resembles a revelation that's just what the devil that tempted firmness of his faith. So he was angry and said: "O thou mal'un beredarlah from here. Behold, I am no more noble than the Prophet Muhammad in the side of Allah. To the Messenger of course not possible apply such provisions. Goods forbidden by God forever remain unlawful, and kewajipan servant never disqualified him including myself. " She says firmly.
If Nauf may turn owned by the King's horse Birdlaun Faris permission of Allah, the Prophet Jesus can turn on a dead man is also God's permission. That is the miracle that God granted to His servant to show his greatness. But the basis of the Gentiles, even though the Prophet Jesus miraculously turn may indicate a dead person, they still deny it. "Indeed you can only switch on a new body that there is a possibility did not die right. Cuba you turn it on previous corpses if you can." They said. Feeling challenged his people, Prophet Jesus then said: "Please select sekehendakmu corpse," he replied. "Cuba is turn on Sam and Noah," they said. Then go to the tomb of Prophet Jesus Sam and Noah. After praying at the tomb, Jesus prayed to God asking God turn the corpse. Allah's power over the two long-dead corpse it rose again from the grave. The hair on his head and his hair had turned white. When he saw them alive again, Jesus asked, "Why is your hair has turned white like that,". Both then responded that heard the call for Jesus, he thought doomsday had arrived. "How long have you been dead?" Jesus asked. "Four thousand years, but until now have not lost my death pain." Jawabnya.Melihat miracle of God, peace with those who initially reject it.
Rasulullah SAW has said that, "the Angel Gabriel, Michael, and Azrael Israfil U.S. has been saying to me. Gabriel said the U.S.:" O Messenger of Allah, whoever who read the invocation on you every day as much as ten times, it will be my guiding hand and will I take him across the catwalk like lightning. "Michael also said the U.S.:" Those who berselawat on you will I give them a drink from telagamu. "Israfil also said the U.S.:" Those who berselawat thee will I bow down to Allah SWT and I will not lift my head so that Allah forgives the man. "angel Azrael U.S. also said:" For those who berselawat upon you, their spirit will I pull it with a soft-soft as I lift the spirits of the prophets. "Would not we love to the Prophet SAW? The angels give their respective guarantees for people who berselawat to top Rasulullah SAW With this proposed story, we hope our readers will not let go of opportunities for upward berselawat our master Muhammad Hopefully we become people the beloved of God, the Prophet and the angels.
Abu Bakr ra was asked about where the spirit went after he got out of the body, then Abu Bakr ra said: "The Holy Spirit was heading to the seventh place": - · Spirit of the prophets and messengers go to heaven Adnin. · Spirit of the scholars go to heaven paradise. · Spirit of those who are happy to go to heaven Illiyyina. Spirit of the syuhadaa · fly like a bird disyurga them at will. · Sinful soul of the believer who will be hanging in the air was not on earth or in heaven until the Day of Judgement. · Ruh children who believe will be in the mountains of misik oil. · Spirit of the unbelievers will be in hell Sijjin, they were tortured along with his body until the Day of Judgement. Rasulullah SAW has said that: "Three groups of people who will shake his hand by the angels on the day they came out of his grave is": - · The people who died as martyrs. · The people who work the night prayer in Ramadan. · Person who fasts the day of Arafah.
12 Penalty FOR THOSE LEFT prayer
In a hadith explains that the Prophet SAW had said: "Anyone who ignores prayer in berjemaah then Allah will wear 12 merbahaya action on it. Three of it will in the world during this dirasainya include: - · Allah will eliminate the blessing of his efforts and so also for sustenance. · revoke nur Allah believers thereof. · He will be hated by those who believe. Three kinds of danger was when he was about to die, among them: · Ruh revoked when he was in a state that is very thirsty, although she have been drinking the entire sea water. · He will feel very painful when spirits lifted out. · He'll worry about lost faith. Three kinds of hazards that will be encountered when in the grave, among them: - · He will feel hard to the question of unjust angel and nakir very menggerunkan. · his grave will be dark enough. · his grave will be pressed so that all the ribs come together (like a finger to meet the finger). Three more punishment later on the Day of Resurrection, among others: · Hisab to atsanya become very heavy. · Allah SWT very angry to him. · Allah will torture him with the fire of hell.
10 TYPES prayer NOT RECEIVED BY GOD Almighty
Messenger S.A.W. has said that meant: "that maintain Sesiapa prayer, then prayer is a light for him, instructions and street safely and he who does not maintain a prayer, then prayer is not really into light, and not also a guidance and a safe path for him." (Tabyinul Mahaarim) Rasulullah SAW has said that: "10 people solatnya not accepted by Allah SWT, including: 1. The man that prayer alone without reading something. 2. The man who does not spend in prayer but zakat. 3. The man who become priests, but a congregation of people who hate it. 4. The man who escaped. 5. The men who drank wine without leaving mahu (Repentance). 6. The woman whose husband is upset with him. 7. The woman doing prayers without wearing hood. 8. Imam or leader is arrogant and unjust harm. 9. The people who love to eat usury '. 10. solatnya People who can not keep him from making a shameful and unjust deeds. " Word of the Prophet SAW who intends: "He who can not help it solatnya of doing shameful and unjust deeds, surely, it only adds solatnya wrath of Allah SWT and far from God." Hassan ra said: "If the prayer that you can not keep you from doing unjust and cruel deeds, surely, you are considered people who do not do prayer. And on the Day of Judgement it will be thrown originally solatmu toward your face like a thick bundle of bad fabric .
Recounted in a book that when Judgement day comes it will come out of Hell seekur animals held Huraisy, which length is the distance between heaven and earth and also its width from east to west. When he came out the angel Gabriel as saying, "O Huraisy, where you want and you wanted to search for who?" Then said Huraisy: "I'm looking for five types of people." sun gokong 1. People who do not do prayer. 2. People who do not spend zakat mahu. 3. The man who disobeys his parents. 4. People who like drinking wine. 5. People who really like to talk in the mosque about the world.
GOD S.W.T. RESIST 1 OF 3 DOA DOA Rasoolullah S.A.W
'Amir bin Said from his father saying that: "One day the Prophet SAW has come from the hilly areas. When the Prophet SAW conditions was reached Bani mosque, then he would go into the mosque and perform two cycles of prayer. So we share in prayer together with the Messenger of Allah Then the Prophet SAW prayed with a moderately long to Allah SWT: After he finished praying, the Prophet had turned to us and said that meant: "I have prayed to Allah SWT three cases, in three cases it was just he allowed only two cases and another was rejected. 1. I have prayed to God Almighty that he may not destroy my people with a difficult season in the long run. This is permitted by God wished S.W.T. 2. I have prayed to God Almighty that my Ummah should not be destroyed by the disaster sinks (such as major floods which have struck the people of Prophet Noah sa). I wished it had been permitted by Allah SWT 3. I have prayed to Allah SWT kerana so that my people have not been destroyed their fellow pergaduhan (war, pergaduhan between fellow Muslims). But a wish has not allowed (already rejected). What we see today is the own Islamic countries quarrel among one another, today the Muslims fight each other, patting the hand of the infidels back, whether we see this beautiful?
A man known to be very active worship. Unfortunately he always makes people become desperate for the love of God. This was done until he found his end. In history it is said, after he was dead and then claim to worship the Lord of humility over the world, "Lord, if my happiness in your hand?" "Hell," replied God. "God, then where replies from ibadahku craft?" he asked in amazement. "How can. In the world you always make people despair of My mercy, so today I was also desperate to make you love me," replied God.
Stem wine ALL EVIL
Where sin, an intoxicating drink, commit adultery or murder. That's the conundrum at the core sermon Ustman Khalifah bin Affan ra as narrated by Az-Zuhriy, in a sermon Ustman it reminds people to be careful to drink The wine or arak. For an intoxicating drinks as a base of indecency and source of all sin. Once there lived a religious expert who was always diligent worship to the mosque, further sermon Ustman Caliph. Soleh One day a man who was acquainted with a beautiful woman. Kerana already fallen heart, the man according to the course when given the choice between the three requests, about disobedience. The wine to drink first, second and third fornicate kill the baby. Sin think drinking wine is smaller than the other two options put forward women's idol, the man Soleh The wine was then choose to drink. But what happens, with a heady wine that even he violated two other crimes. Drunk and forget ourselves, the man menzinai prostitutes and kill the baby at her side. "The wine Kerana avoid that, kerana drinks as the culprit of all evil and sinful act. Remember, faith can not be united with the wine in humans. One of them should come out. The person who is drunk mouth will remove the words kufr, and if become customary until the end of the verse, he will be eternally in hell. "
A child came to the Prophet, weeping. The event was very moving Prophet who was sitting together with friends another. "Why do you weep, O my son?" asked the Prophet. "My father has died but no one came to visit. I do not have a shroud, who is going to bury my father and who will be bathing him?" Asked the boy. Immediately the Prophet ordered Abu Bakr and Umar to see the body. How terperanjatnya Abu Bakr and Umar, the body was turned into a wild boar. The two friends then return immediately report to the Prophet SAW Then the Prophet came to the house of his own child. Prayed to God so that the boar was again turned into a human body. Then the Prophet menyembahyangkannya and asked friends to bury him. What a surprise the friends, when the bodies would be buried to change back to wild boar. Seeing the incident, the Prophet asked him what was done by his father during his lifetime. "My father never worked in prayer during his life," replied the boy. Then the Prophet said to his companions, "The Companions, see for yourself. That's the result when people leave the prayer during his lifetime. He will be a wild boar on the Day of Resurrection."
U.S. Moses: Oh Lord, teach us something that we can use for remembrance and prayer unto Thee. God: Say, La ilaha Illlallaah Moses ha. U.S. Moses: Oh God, all thy servant had delivered the sentence. God: Moses, suppose that the seven heavens along an entire family than I, and the earth which weighed seven with La ilaha Illallaah, still heavy nescaya La ilaha Illallaah. Wisdom Words: 1. This story is taken from the hadith of the Prophet SAW who narrated by Imam Ibn Hibban and Imam al-Hakim from Abu Sa'eed al-Khud riyyi ra 2. La ilaha Illallaah value greater than the heavens, the earth and its inhabitants. 3. The sky was uninhabited. 4. Seven layers of earth as the sky. 5. Seutama main-dhikr is La ilaha Illallaah.
Abu Hurairah r.a. has been assigned by the Prophet SAW to keep the tithe barn in the month of Ramadan. Suddenly someone came and stole a handful of food. But the cleverness is praiseworthy Hurairah, then later managed to arrest the thief. "I'll stir you to the Messenger of Allah SAW," snarled Abu Hurairah. Not play scared the thief heard threats of Abu Hurairah, until then he whined: "I am a poor person, family dependents me a lot, while I am in great need of food." Then the thief was released. Is not charity, it will eventually be given to the poor? It's just the way it was wrong. Ought not to be mistaken. The next day, Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet SAW Then he asked: "What's done to tawananmu overnight, yes, Abu Hurayrah?" He complained, "O Messenger of Allah, that he was poor, his family a lot and are in need of food," replied Abu Hurayrah. Then also explained to him, that he was sorry for the thief, and then release. "Liar," said the Prophet: "In the pages of tonight he will come again." Kerana Rasulullah SAW said so, then the custody tightened, and vigilance was ditingkatkan.Dan, it is also true, the thief came back again, then take the food like kelmarin. And this time he was caught. "I'll stir you to the Messenger of Allah SAW," threatened Abu Hurairah, the same as kelmarin. And the thief might have once again asked for forgiveness: "I am poor, my family a lot. I promise that tomorrow will not come back again." Pity Abu Hurairah also apparently heard complaints that person, and this time he was released again. In the morning, the incident was reported to Rasulullah SAW, and he also asked as kelmarin. And after getting the same Reply, once again, the Prophet stated: "The thief was a lie, and tonight he'll be back again." Abu Hurairah that night on guard with the vigilance and intelligence management. Eyes, ears and feelings installed fine. He watched every move carefully around her Geri had been two times he lied to the thief. If the thief really come as Spoken by the Prophet and he managed to catch him, he was determined not to let him go once again. His heart could not wait longer looked forward to wretched thief. He was upset. Why kelmarin thief was released just before being dragged into the presence of Rasulullah SAW? Mahu why she deceived him? "Beware!" she told herself. "This time will not give you mercy." Evening progressed, the streets were deserted, when suddenly appeared a shadow that came over to watch him build-up of food. "Well, that's right, he came again," he told himself. And not long after the thief has to his knees in front of him with frightened faces. Actually watched the thief's face. There is a kind of pretense on the motion-gerinya. "This time you must kuadukan to the Prophet. This is the second time you promise not to come back here, but it's you again, too. Let me," begged the thief. But, from the hands of Abu Hurairah who clutched can be understood, that this time he will not be released again. So with despair ahirnya thief said: "Let go of me, I will teach the master a few sentences that are very useful." "The sentences do it?" Abu Hurairah asked curiously. "If gentlemen wish to sleep, read the paragraph Chair: La ilaha Allaahu-Hayyul illaa Huwal Qayyuuumu ... .. And so on until the end of the paragraph. The gentleman will always be maintained by God, and there is no devil who dared to approach the master until the morning." Then the thief was released by Abu Hurairah. It seems more controlled scientific instincts of his soul as a warehouse guard. And the next day, he turned back to the Prophet SAW to report an extraordinary experience last night. There is a thief who taught him the use paragraph Chair. "What was done by tawananmu last night?" Apostle asked Abu Hurairah before a chance to tell everything. "He taught me a few sentences that he says is very useful, then I let go," replied Abu Hurayrah. "The sentence is it?" asked the Prophet. He said: "If you sleep, read the paragraph Chair: La ilaha Allaahu-Hayyul illaa Huwal Qayyuuumu ... .. And so on until the end of the paragraph. And he said also:" If you read it, then you will always be guarded by God, and will not Satan approached until morning. "Responding to the story of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet SAW said," The thief has been said is true, though in fact he remains a liar. "Then the Prophet SAW also said:" Do you know who the real thieves who ertemu with you every night? "" Dunno. "replied Abu Hurayrah." That's the devil. "
PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW repent cloud
It is reported that a slave butcher fascinated by her neighbors. One time she was getting the task completed his family in another village affairs. The butcher and then followed him from behind until finally managed to find it. The butcher and then call her and ask her to enjoy a rare and wonderful opportunity. But the girl answered, "Do not do it. Although love you so much, I'm very much afraid of God." Reply hear it, the butcher felt the world go round. Kerana sorry and cedar heart trembling, his throat dry and his heart was getting pounded, she then said, "You're scared to God while I have not." He went home, repent. On the road he was attacked and nearly died thirsty. Is then met a Soleh. They walk together. They see the current cloud overshadowed them both until they go into a village. They both believe that the cloud, for people who Soleh. Then they split up in the village. The cloud continues to overshadow the fact biased and the butcher until he arrived at his home. Soleh people were surprised to see this reality. He then followed the butcher had then asked him and he answered also in place. So Soleh men said, "Do not wonder about what you see, kerana people who repent to God it was in a place that no one was there."
Abul-Layth Assamarqandi to sanadnya narrated from Jabir ibn Abdillah ra said the Prophet SAW said: "Allah Almighty has given to Prophet Musa bin Imran alwaah as in chapter 10: · O Moses, do not associate me with an anything that I have decided that the fire of hell will grab people's faces idolaters. · Obey- Me and your parents nescaya I peliharamu from any danger and will I grant you long life and I turn it on you with a good livelihood. · Never kill the soul which I was forbidden except by right nescaya will become small for you the whole wide world and heaven with all corners and will back you with my rage into the fire of hell. · Never swear by my name in falsehood or seditious because I will not purify the people who do not clean and I do not glorify my name. · Do not envy jealousy and envy toward what I give to people, because the enemy incendiary My favor, rejecting the will of mine, which I hate to pembahagian give to my servants and sesiapa who do not leave these actions, it is not than- Ku. · Do not be a witness to what you do not really know with you and with your wits and your feelings ingati because I demand that the witnesses closely for their testimony. · Do not steal and do not fornicate wife neighbor neighbor because nescaya I closed faces Me than you and I closed the gates of heaven thereof. · Do not kill the victim to be apart from Me, for I do not accept casualties unless called by my name and sincere to me. · Love toward fellow human beings as you like for yourself . · Make Saturday's day to worship Me and hiburkan child family. Then the Prophet said again: "Verily, Allah made the day of the feast for Saturday Prophet Musa and Allah SWT chose Juma'at days as holidays for me. "
In a hadith tells, in ancient days there was a man wukuf at Arafat. He stopped in the vast field. At that time people were doing cult pilgrim. Wukuf at Arafat is the most important pillars of hajj. Even wukuf at Arafat's actually called a pilgrim who was berwukuf kerana if a place in the country is considered hadj Arafat has been perfect even if the others did not get done. Word of the Messenger of Allah said: · "Alhajju Arafat '(Pilgrims at Arafat's wukuf) Evidently the man had yet to identify Islam with more depth. Still in terms of 'converts'. While he was there, he has taken seven grains of stone and said to the stone: · "O rocks, watch you that I swear that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the man of God." After she said that she fell asleep in there. She placed seventh-seven stone under his head. Soon he had a dream as if it had come doomsday. In the dream he had checked jyga all the sins and reward by God. When you're done checking it turns out he has to go into hell. So he went to hell and instead of entering one of the doors. Suddenly a small stone dikumpulnya instantly had come close to the gates of Hell. But apparently they can not afford. Angel of doom have been there. All the angels were refused entry into the gates of Hell. But could see. Then he went to another door. The angels are still trying to put them in hell but not triumphant rock kerana followed wherever she went. Finally drop the seven gates of Hell go. The angels who act would hurt the people who go to hell tried very hard to reject him in hell but not prosper. Arriving at the royal seven gates of Hell, hell is not no rock kerana mahu accept that followed. Seventh-seven stone as if to fortify him than to enter hell. Then he ascended the Throne in the seventh heaven. That's where God says that meant: · "O my servant, I have seen stones which you collect in the waste Arafat. I will not waste your right. How am I going to waste your privilege and I have witnessed the sound of 'creed' that thou pronounce it. Now go thou in heaven. " Just as good as he approached the door of heaven was, suddenly rose heaven door wide open. Apparently the key to heaven is a creed sentences spoken first.
Wisdom lies proficient LEFT
In a hadith narrated by Luqman Hakim, told me one day no one has come to meet with the Prophet SAW kerana about to embrace Islam. After a two-sentence to say the creed, the man then said: "O Messenger of Allah. The truth is always the servant of sin and hard to leave." Then the Prophet said: "Mahukah you promised that you could leave a good lie?" "Yes, I promise" he replied curtly. After that, he returned to his home. According to history, before he embraced Islam, he is very well known as one who is evil. His passion is to steal, gamble and drink. So after he embraced Islam, he attempts to leave everything Komatsu's ugliness. That is why he sought advice from the Prophet SAW On the way home from seeing the Prophet SAW the man said to himself: "Weight is also me to leave what is desired by the Prophet." And each time his heart compelled remedy evil, his heart continued to ridicule. "How dare you do evil things. Do Reply you later when asked by the Prophet. Can you lied to him," whispered the little hearts. Every time he intends to do evil, then he remembered all messages Prophet and every time also the heart said: "If I lie to the Messenger of Allah means to me had betrayed my promise to him. Conversely, if I talk really means to me will receive a punishment as a Muslim. Oh God .... truly, in order that the Messenger of wisdom that contained a very valuable. " After he was struggling with his desires, he finally triumphed in its struggle against the will of instinct. According to another hadith, since the day it begins a new phase in his life. He had emigrated from the crime to the glory of life as outlined by the Prophet SAW Until the end he had turned into a believer who Soleh and noble.
5 testament FROM GOD S.W.T. The Messenger S.A.W
From the Prophet SAW, "At night I diisrakkan up to the sky, Allah has given five will, among others: · Do not hang your heart to the world kerana real world I'm not making this for you. · Make love to me because the place where your return is Me. · Mean surely you seek heaven. · Decide kerana expectations of creatures they really were not in the least power in their hands. · Rajinlah do pray Tahajjud kerana qiamullail actually help it along. Ibrahim ibn Adham said: "It has come to me some of the guests, and I know they are the representatives of teachers tariqat. I said to them, give useful advice to me, that would make me fear Allah SWT Then they said, "We wasiatkan to you 7 cases, namely: · People who do not expect a lot of talking with very kesedaran heart. · People who eat a lot do not expect very words taking advantage of it. · Man who many people do not associate with expect very sweetness of worship. · People who love the world do not expect very Khusnul khatimahnya. · stupid people do not expect her very will to live. · People who choose to consort with those who do wrong do not expect very straightness of his religion. · People seeking human keredhaan do not expect God is going keredhaan thereof. "
Faced with crossing SIX PEOPLE
Abu Bakr r.a. said, "Verily, the devil was standing in front of you, to your right spirit, lust in your left, next to the world behind you and all members of your body around your body. While God above you. While the accursed devil take you to leave the religion, the soul take you to the direction of sinners, lust lust take you to meet, the world took you so choose it from the afterlife and limb menagajakmu committing a sin. And the Lord take you into heaven and receive forgiveness of Him, as His Word is meant, ".... And God invites to heaven and to His forgiveness. .. "Who the devil's invitation to meet, then the lost religion of itself. Sesiapa which satisfy the soul's invitation, then the value of lost him his life. Sesiapa an invitation to meet desires, then he lost sense of himself. Who would meet the solicitation of the world, then disappeared from her afterlife . And who fulfill the invitation of his body, then the lost heaven from him. And who is to meet the call of Allah SWT, then she lost all the crimes and he memperolehi all goodness. " Satan is the enemy of man, while man is the target of the devil. By then, humans must sentiasa berwaspada because the devil sentiasa look right on target.
STORY ON headstrong passion that GOD COMMANDS
In a book of essays' Ustman ibn Hasan ibn Ahmad ash-Syaakir Alkhaubawiyi, a scholar who lived in the XIII century Hijra, explaining that Allah SWT has created a sense, God Almighty has said, which meant: "O thou mengadaplah sense." So any reasonable mengadap kehadapan Allah, then Allah is saying that meant: "O my mind turned on you!", Then turned back sense. Then God S.W.T. another said that meant: "O mind! Who am I?". Then the mind said, "You are the God who created me and I am thy servant an incompetent and weak." So Allah is saying that meant: "O my mind does not create a creature that is more noble than you." After that Allah Almighty created the appetite, and said to him, which meant: 'O lust, mengadaplah you! ". Lust does not answer otherwise quiet self. Then Allah will say again that meant: "Who are you and who I am?". Then lust said, "I am me, and You are You." After that Allah Almighty torment her with Hell for 100 years, and then remove it. Then Allah is saying that meant: "Who are you and who I am?". Then lust said, "I'm me and you is you." Then Allah's torment in hell Juu lust 'for 100 years. Once issued then Allah is saying that meant: "Who are you and who I am?". Finally lust acknowledge by saying, "I am your servant and You are my gods." In the book also explained that the reason why Allah obliges the fasting. In this story can we know that it is very evil desires by escorting that we should desire it, do not let lust was escorting us, because if she is guarding us then we will become extinct.
From Ibn Abbas said: Rasulullah SAW said: "Sesiapa Aasyura who fasted on the day (10th Muharram) then Allah will give him reward and sesiapa 10.000 angel who fasted on the day Aasyura (10 Muharram) you will be rewarded 10,000 people on pilgrimage and berumrah, and 10,000 people die a martyr's reward, and whoever rubbed the head of orphans in the day then Allah will raise every hair with one darjat. And sesiapa the feed to the person who broke their fast on Aasyura believers on the day, it was as if she feeds the whole Ummah Rasulullah SAW who broke fast and filling their stomachs. " Then the companions asked the Prophet SAW: "O Messenger of Allah SAW, there has Allah preferred Aasyura days than other days?". Then the Prophet said: "Yes, it is true, Allah made the heavens and the earth on the day Aasyura, making the sea on the day Aasyura, making the hills on the day Aasyura, making the Prophet Adam and Eve on the day Aasyura, the birth of Prophet Ibrahim was also on Aasyura day, and Allah saved Abraham from the fire also on Aasyura, Allah drowned Pharaoh in the days Aasyura, cure disease as on the day of the Prophet Ayyub Aasyura, Allah accepted Adam's repentance on the day Aasyura Prophet, Allah's forgiveness of sin Prophet David on the day Aasyura, Almighty Allah restore the kingdom of Solomon was also the day Aasyura, and Judgement Day will occur on the day it also Aasyura! ".
SEVEN KINDS CAN enjoyed their reward after death
From Anas r.a. said that there are seven kinds of rewards that can be accepted that a person after death. 1. Sesiapa who founded the mosque, then keep it for reward while the mosque was used by people to do good service in it. 2. Sesiapa the flowing water of the river while there are people who drink from it. 3. Sesiapa who wrote the manuscripts he will be rewarded while there are people who read it. 4. People who dig a cistern as there are people who use them. 5. Sesiapa who planted crops to eat it while there are either from humans or birds. 6. Those who teach science that is useful as long as he be carried out by people who study it. 7. People who leave the child where it 's Soleh who always pray for her parents and her 8 beristighfar. ie children who always taught the science of the Qur'an that people will get a reward while teaching the child to practice his teachings without prejudice to reward the children themselves. Abu Hurairah r.a. said, Rasulullah S.A.W. has said: "If Adam had been dead child, then a stop to his credit, but three kinds: 1. Alms who walked on (Alms alms) 2. Science is useful and be carried out. 3. Children who Soleh who wish well for him.
Narrated in a hadith that Allah hiam Hell is dark, no light nor is he running. And it 's have 7 fruit door and at every door, there are 70.000 of the mountain, on every mountain slope there 70.000 from the fire and on every slope there 70.000 parts of the land consists of a fire, at every valley splittings also there are 70.000 from the fire. Narrated in the hadith is that in every valley, there are 70.000 warehouses from fire, and at each warehouse is also there were 70.000 of the fire room, in every room there was also a snake 70.000 and 70.000 times, and narrated in the hadith is that every time it has 70.000 tails and each tail vertebra also has a 70.000. At each link when it has it 's can qullah 70.000. In the same hadith explains that on the Day of Judgement will be open lid Hell, then the best course Hell's door open, smoke will come out of their siege on the left, then come again, a cloud of smoke surrounded them next to the front of their faces, and coming cloud of smoke surrounded above and behind their heads. And they (Jin and Mausia) will be respected if the smoke is so bergetarlah and they knelt down and called, "Our Lord, save." It was narrated that the Prophet had actually said: "It will be shipped on the day of Resurrection Hell, and Hell had a 70.000 in control, and in each control 70.000 pulled by angels, guardian angels and with respect to the amount of hell that there is explained by Allah SWT in Sura At-Tahrim paragraph 6 which meant: "Who's guardian angels of the rough hard again." Each angel what is between his shoulders is the distance of travel a year, and every one of them which have the force when he hit the mountain with a bat with him / her, it will be destroyed nescaya volcano. And with a single blow he will sink into Hell 70.000.
The event is kerana Israk and ascension of the earth to feel proud of the sky. He said to the sky, "O heavens, I'm better than you kerana Allah SWT has menghiaskan me with various countries, some of the sea, rivers, plants anaman, some of the mountains and others." Sky said, "O earth, I'm also more elegant than you kerana sun, moon, stars, some falah, Burooj, throne, chair, and heaven is with me." Say the earth, "O heavens, there ditempatku visited the house and to bertawaf the prophets, the envoys and the spirits of saints and Solihin (good people)." Earth said, "O heavens, the real leader of the prophets and messengers and even as the Seal of the Prophets and God cried all nature lovers, seutama-main all beings as well as the most perfect tribute to him was to stay at my place. And he's also running syari'atnya in place. " The sky can not say anything, when the earth is saying this. The sky was calm himself and he mengadap Allah SWT by saying, "O God, thou hast granted the request of the affected people of danger, if they pray to Thee. I can not answer the issue of the earth, by that I ask thee, O thou God that Muhammad raised me (heaven) so I became a noble with kebagusannya and proud. " Then Allah Almighty to grant the request of the sky, then Allah revealed to Gabriel gave the U.S. on the night of 27 Rejab, "Thou shalt not (Gabriel) celebrate on this night and thou 'Azrael do not you take a life tonight." Gabriel A.S. asked, "O Allah, if the end has come?" Allah is saying, that is, "No, O Gabriel. But you go to heaven and take the Buraq and continued to go to Muhammad by Buraq it." Then Gabriel A.S. went away and he saw 40.000 lenang Buraq was having on the park heaven and on each face there is the name of Muhammad. Among the 40.000 Buraq, Gabriel A.S. respected on a Buraq, who was crying her eyes streaming with tears. Gabriel A.S. Buraq was approached and asked, "Why do you weep, O Buraq?" Buraq said, "O Gabriel, in fact I've heard the name Muhammad after 40 years, the owner's name has been embedded in my heart and I miss him after it became mahu and I do not eat and drink again. I like the yearning burnt down by fire." Gabriel said the U.S., "I will deliver thee to the person who you missed it." Then Gabriel A.S. put a saddle and bridle to the Buraq and brought to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allaah knows best. Buraq told this is what brings the Prophet SAW Israk journey and ascension.
BLESSING IN READING STORY reversionary Bismillah There's a devout old woman, but her husband a wicked and do not mahu mahu kewajipan religion and not doing good. Women's sentiasa read Bismillah each time to talk and every time he's about to kick off something sentiasa preceded by Bismillah. Her husband does not like the attitude of his wife and sentiasa disparage his wife. Her husband said with a mengejak, "Fun Bismillah, Bismillah. An instant-an instant Bismillah." His wife did not say anything instead he prayed to Allah Almighty to provide guidance to her husband. One day her husband said: "Someday I'll make you disappointed with the reading-bacaanmu it." To make things even memeranjatkan wife, she gives a lot of wang to his wife by saying, "Save the money is." His wife took the money and save it in a safe place, and besides her husband had seen the place held by his wife. Then with a silent-silent husband took the money and throw money into the Beg cistern in her backyard. After a few days later her husband had called his wife and said, "Give me wang which I gave to you earlier to be saved." Then his wife went to where he kept the money was and was followed by her husband to be careful with him to where he kept the money that he opened with the reading, "Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim." When it was God S.W.T. the angel Gabriel brought A.S. Beg to return the money and handed it to her husband's money back. What surprised her husband, she hints of guilt and confessed everything he does to his wife, when he repented and was also beginning work on the command of God, and he also read Bismillah when he was about to kick off something working.
Moses is the only Prophet who can continue to talk with Allah every time he wanted bermunajat, Moses will go up to Mount Tursina. On top of that hill he would talk with Moses Allah.Nabi often ask and God will answer at that time also. These are advantages that are not on any other prophets. One day the Prophet Moses had asked God. "O God, who were the people in heaven that will later be neighbors with me?". God answered by saying that person's name, village and place of residence. After obtaining a Reply, Prophet Moses down from the Mount Tursina and continue running after the notified place. After several days in the trip finally arrived to the place in respect of the Prophet Moses. With the help of some residents there, he met with the person's triumph. After greeting him admitted and seated in the living room. Host does not bring out the Prophet Moses. He went into the booth and doing something on the inside. A moment later he came out, carrying a large sow. Pigs were backed with carefully. Prophet Moses was surprised to see it. "What's this?, Said Moses whispered in his heart full of amazement. Bai was cleaned and bathed with either. After that pigs were wiped dry and then kiss dihantar originally embraced into the stall. Not long after he came out once again with the same a larger male pigs. Pigs were also washed and cleaned. Then wipe it dry and hugged and kissed lovingly. Pigs were later dihantar originally to stall. Finished work before she bring out the Prophet Moses. "O my brother! What religion are you? "." I'm religious Tawhid ", replied the young man namely Islam." After all, why do you defend a pig? We should not do that. "Moses said." O my lord, "said the young man." Actually the two pigs that were ibubapa biological. By kerana they have done great sin, God had exchanged their way into the hodohrupanya pigs. About their sins to God is another matter. That's his business with God. As a child I still carry kewajipanku as a child. These days I devote to both ibubapaku sepertimana the slave masters saw this. Although they had an advanced visual pig, I still perform my job. ", He continued." Every day I pray to God that they are forgiven. I prayed that God may redeem their faces into the real man, but God still do not accept anymore. "Added the young man again. So when it also lowered the revelation of God to the Prophet Musa 'O Moses, this is the person who will be neighbors with you in heaven later, the result of very high devotion second kepasa ibubapanya. Ibubapanya already bad with the way he's a pig too dutiful, too. By that we raise as a child Soleh maqamnya beside us. " God also said again that meant: "By kerana he has been in maqam Soleh child beside us, We lift her prayers. Ibubapanya second place which we provide in the hell have we move into heaven." That's the blessing of children Soleh. Prayer Soleh child can atone ibubapa that will go to hell moved to heaven. It also let the condition that he devote to ibubapanya. Although up to a visual ranking father and mother as a pig. Ibubapa Hopefully we get a good spot in the Hereafter. Despite how bad any second temperament ibubapa we were not our business, none of our business is keeping them as lovingly as they keep us as a child until adulthood. Although many of which even the sins that they do, it's also not our business, our business is to ask forgiveness of Allah so that we are pardoned both ibubapa Allah Prayer Soleh children will help both ibubapanya get a good spot in the afterlife, this is what awaited by the ibubapa in the grave. Erti affection of a child to the mother and father rather than through delivery wang ringgit, but unfortunately a child in the second ibubapanya prayers are with the second order ibubapanya got the best place in the side of God. To find out more in-depth story of the netherworld sila Sarekat Nurulhas get books published, entitled: WHEN U.S. Azrael COME CALLING okay
Word of the Mu'adz Prophet, "O Mu'adz, when in a charitable deeds that there is a shortage: · Keep lisanmu so as not falling within ghibah against your brother / Muslims. · Read Al-Qur'an · tanggunglah itself for you and your sins Do not you tanggungkan your sins to others. · Do not you purify yourself by criticizing others. · Do you elevate yourself above them. · Do you enter into the world of charitable deeds in the Hereafter charitable deeds. · Do you brag to people at kedudukanmu perangaimu fear that is not good. · Do not you whisper something no one else is around you. · Do not you feel high and noble than others. · Do you sakitkan-minded people by saying what you say. Nescaya in the hereafter, you will be torn apart by the dogs of hell. Word of God Almighty who intend, "For (the stars) who move from one Burooj Burooj to another." Prophet replied, "He is the dogs in the hell is going to rip the meat people (hurting liver) with verbal, and dog rose rip and bite the bones. "Mu'adz said," O Messenger of Allah, who can stand against such circumstances, and who can terselamat thereof? "replied the Prophet SAW," Verily, it is easy again light for those who have facilitated and also alleviated by Allah SWT "
Abu Layth al-Samarqandi is an expert in fight Masyur. One time he had said, my dad told me that among the prophets are not the apostle have received revelation in the form of a dream and there are only heard. So one of the prophet who received revelation through a dream, a dream one night were ordered, which reads, "Tomorrow you want out of the house in the morning meningeal to the west. You want to do, first; what negation see (face), then eat, the second ; you hide, third; you accept, fourth; do hope you decide, the fifth, fled thee thereof. " The next day, the Prophet came out of his house toward the west and the first chance to face is a big hill in black. The Prophet is the confusion, saying, "I was ordered to eat my first encounter, but it's odd that the impossible can not be executed." Then the Prophet continued to walk towards the hill with the desire to eat. When he approached, a sudden turn down the hill itself are therefore made for books bread. Then the Prophet and even then took it into his mouth disputant. When ingested was really sweet like honey. He also thanked 'Alhamdulillah'. Then the Prophet continued his journey and met also with a golden bowl. She remembered landing her dream to be hidden, then the Prophet that was digging a hole and planted the gold bowl, then left. Suddenly, the golden bowl was originally expelled. The Prophet is also the original implant, so three times in a row. Then the Prophet said, "I have performed the command." Then he went on his way unnoticed by the Prophet is the golden bowl was expelled from the place he originally planted. When he was walking, he suddenly appeared a bird lost is pursuing a small bird. Then came a little bird said, "O Prophet of God, help me." Hearing the bird's advances, her heart felt sympathy so he will take the bird and inserted into the sleeve. See it situation, then it lost bird came over to The Prophet said, "O Prophet of God, I'm very hungry and I was chasing the bird since this morning. By it thou shalt not break the hopes of refuseniks." Prophet's orders smattering the fourth landing in his dream, namely expectations should not be decided. He became confused to resolve this matter. Finally he made the decision to take his sword and cut a little meat and given to lost his good it. After obtaining meat, lost little bird flew and was released from the sleeve. After the incident, the Prophet continued his journey. Not long after she met with a very foul smell carrion, so she ran away because not stand the smell of a painful nose sniffing. After seeing all five of the five events, then the Prophet returned to his home. At night, the Prophet was praying. In his prayer he said, "O Allah, I have also perform thy commandments as being told in my dreams, then please explain to understand all this." In the dream he had been told by Allah SWT that, "The first time you eat it is angry. At first seemed like long big in the end if the patient and can guard and keep him, so angry it would be sweeter than honey. Second, all the good deeds (mind), though hidden, then he still would appear nevertheless. Third, if a person has received a mandate, so do not be treasonous to him. Fourth, if people ask you, then Try for her to help him even though you own hunger. Fifth, it is a foul odor ghibah (tell person). So fled from the people who were sitting together make ghibah. " My brothers, the five-five-story, let us do in us, because the five-five case is true only applicable in our everyday lives. The case that we can not elakkan every day people are saying things, it becomes a person's character likes to say things to others. We must remember that the words say one thing that will eliminate our reward, because there is a hadith saying of the Hereafter there will be a servant of God will be surprised to see the rewards that never do. Then he asked, "O Allah, You give this rewards I never used to do in the world." So Allah said, "This is the reward of those who said Ngata about you." With this we must be aware that even though what we said was true, but the words say it will harm ourselves. By because it, let us not say that man even though he was right.
AL-QUR'AN AS A DEFENSE in the hereafter
Abu Umaamah r.a. said: "Rasulullah SAW has been suggested that we all learn the Qur'an, after which the Prophet was informed about the advantages of Al-Qur'an." Prophet has said: Learn the Qur'an you will, in the hereafter he will come to an expert-expert, which at that time people are so in need. "He will come in the form of beautiful-beautiful and she asked," Do you to me? "So people who read will say:" Who are you? "The Qur'an says:" I'm the one you love and you're flattered, and also been up the night for me and you never Read in the daytime. " then said people who never read the Qur'an that: "Are you the Qur'an?" Then Al-Qur'an recognizes and guiding people who never read To Allah Almighty And the men were given the kingdom on his right hand and will abide his left hand, then he put the crown on his head. In the second ayatollah also a Muslim and his mother was given jewelry that can not be exchanged with the world even doubled, so they asked: "From where we Get all this, in case we did not until this charity "And answered:" You were given this all you have learned Because children Qur'an.
DEFENSE in the hereafter
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